Friday, December 16, 2011

Dear God

My sister Carol just recently told me that she truly believed in good and evil spirits. I have the belief also and I not talking about the boogie man or Halloween "spirits" , anything can get out of hand.

I not much of a writer so anyone would have to be patience to follow me whether they listen or try to understand what I have said . Course many times it is really the other person that has a problem because they too are not F o c u s i n g. So being we both have a common bond perhaps we can be understood.

I talking about evil in the world. I talking about the people that are harmful to others, the evil spirit that dwelling is in the body and enters the soul of even good people.Good people gone bad.

We were discussing the day of her house fire. I told her It was a little after 7 and I was on the front porch listening to the thunder and heard sirens coming though the highway on 96 at Lascassas, I can and my dogs can usually hear them. I always ask God to protect those people when I hear sirens. I always think of my aging parents that live on down the road. and of anyone that it possible might be. Tat one nice thing about small communities there is usual a concern for the people though you may not know them. I went to ten to my dogs and I hear the phone ring . I knew something was wrong,, my phone never rings on a Sunday morning with and Ambulance that not long gone by without something being wrong."a sick sense" you hear of. I had it.

To get back on track ... AH HUM .. Carol told me that she had been out to get the mail and the sky was green. She had this odd feeling. She had returned to the house and may have falling asleep or was looking at teh tv , she said it hard to remember exactly. I told her that I felt her house was struck by lightening she also thought so.She said she never saw flames just bright lights and immense heat. The french doors were stuck tight. She saw her skin sliding on her face.She told me that she heard a voice saying "just lie down and it will soon be over". She stated "she looked up and cried out to God to get her out". She tried again and the doors just open and she was able to make it to the neighbors house and back again toward the house when some one saw her and assisted her.
Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. "If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk,
Psalm 50:15 and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
You can find how the Lord can help you..
But the evil spirit calmly told her to lie down do nothing but just lie there, it would of been her last breathe if she listen to that and not have CRIED OUT to you oh God, thank you for your deliverance for allowing us the choice to cry out to you.

Allow the Lord to Live in YOU

I really feel there is much true in the below video , this is a real person, educated and though you may check the scams and read them I believe people spend more on "ugly diet" not even including the tip they give on one meal for 2-4 than the money requested to continue the info. But he has offering free info.

Being a nurse I know there are many, many, many things that pts and Dr alone do
not understand and neither do I or they have the answers to hardly any
questions that you may have, they have many answers dont get me wrong there either but there are UNSOLVED MYSTERIES. To say that this is a scam you must look at the fact that NOTHING in life is free.
It takes time ,people, energy to get resources
and to get it distributed to people. I know scams and that if you give
free stuff to people, they may benefit from it or abuse it. Maybe that is
where the gods of OZ and Oprah are getting there info.
Don't take me wrong but don't discredit someone who really is Calling upon the Lord to help people and to the person that gives GOD the GLORY!!!

copy and put in your browser

"These 4 Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack
By S.A. Nickerson
Every year, approximately 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 who’ve already had one or more heart attacks have another one. The scary thing is that 25 percent of ALL heart attacks happen “silently,” without clear or obvious symptoms.
Even when symptoms occur, they can be so mild or vague, most people don’t even realize it’s heart-related (unless they are made aware). Four things in particular are the most sinister signs of a silent heart attack.
These four things are the focus of a recent video presentation by renowned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report. According to Dr. Crandall, the reason silent heart attacks go untreated is because people don’t even notice the symptoms, so he created a special video presentation to show the four things to look for that may be a silent warning — before it’s too late to intervene and survive the damage.
Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report

Timing is the most critical factor for survival. Statistics show a clear link between delay in treatment and disability or death — the amount of time that elapses between the first sign of symptoms and receiving care.
That’s why knowing what to look for in terms of symptoms is critical, especially when they’re the kind that most people don’t think to associate with a heart attack — like the four things in Dr. Crandall’s video, Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report.

copy and place in your browser

Originally developed as an educational tool, this video quickly went viral, surpassing five million viewers in just a few short months.
Newsmax Health Publisher Travis Davis attributes the viral sensation to the fact that the content hits close to home for so many Americans. According to Davis, “Dr. Crandall tells the real-life story of a ‘widow-maker’ heart attack that did not have to happen. It’s scary but eye-opening, because he outlines what could have been done to actually prevent this.”
Dr. Crandall, chief of the cardiac transplant program at the esteemed Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, practices on the front lines of interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology. Years of experience have afforded him the chance to detect little-known warning signs and symptoms like the four he addresses.
“I think the real value in this presentation is the number of simple strategies he outlines to help prevent heart disease,” says Davis, “strategies that many doctors just don’t take the time to discuss with patients until they’re already showing obvious symptoms of cardiovascular stress.”

Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report available at no charge. Click here to see the four things that happen before a heart attack."

YOU can google much info, I believe this man know more than the average Joe, Yeah and my Dr probably think I nuts but it my life and I need to know and so do you!