Monday, August 24, 2009

Never Give UP!

This is exactly what was under my bed this am. A little red band with the words Never Give Up. How appropriate , just what I needed , though so many times in the Bible we are told that, some how finding it today it made it was onto my left hand. My left hand, no particular reason, perhaps it used less than right, but when I look down I can see the words NEVER GIVE UP . It is a keeper!

I know so many things always need to be done, so MUST Muster the Movements to get a Moving if today i do in fact get something accomplished. It such a beautiful morning cool fells like 68 degrees with teh wind blowing, min fact it is 69 now in Navarre, 65 in Murfreesboro, 70 in New York, 77 in San Antonio,and 58 in Cupertino where every in the world that is I DON'T know. San ANtonio is to get 103 today so enjoy your 77 right now.

One thing I really want to do this week is go to the Wilson County Fair . Their Fairs, my understanding though I not ever been after 58 years of life, are TOP NOTCH. Why, becuase they put everything into it!
Banana DERBY is enough to make me want to go though i awant to before i ever here of this event, monkeys riding dogs in a ring , Monkeys are so funny anyway!

My neighbor is bush hogging he only like 87 yrs old! such a sweet man with a gentle spirit!
Well it's off to get a couple of things done today perhaps it be many since i do not need to give up .
My son has a job interview , he is very upbeat about it and prayfully it will be a opportunity that will be of much benefit to him.
I let you know more of this later.
Now to sign out and off of this tech. world of communication.