Sunday, October 19, 2008

Vacation Day 5


Another day - sometimes you wonder why you don't have
the answers to your questions.

It amazing that my mother of 87 years continues to go
and worship on Sundays unless she is physically ill.

Blessed is her name.

I generally do not make a habit of not going. It is a
day that does belong to the Lord and as they all do.
I have no reason not to worship with other Christians
to honor God.

Somewhere in the mist of having raised a family hoping
they would continue to worship the Lord on His chosen day,
the importance has seemed to have gotten lost.
Perhaps I did a lousy job of teaching.
I know that my children are good people and I basically am
but we belong to the Lord not to each other.

The Lord should be our influence.

I therefore can not blame my not going, on the fact that
many close to me, have chosen not to worship on Sundays
for the most part: perhaps choose to do their own thing.
I suppose it is a weakness that of ours that satan enjoys.
Could compare to his conversation with Eve in the Garden.

I too must continue "to be still and .....listen to the Lord."
may God strengthen my weakness and others.